Wishing you a very Merry Christmas from the GloveBox Team. With GB it's Christmas every month!
This is the month of giving, so why don't you give your interior some love.
Let's start by grabbing the included Koch-Chemie (KCX) Green Star (Gs). This is a highly concentrated universal cleaner that can be used on the exterior of your vehicle, engine bays, undercarriages, and interiors. Today let's focus on the interior. For interiors I like to dilute the Gs 1:10 to 1:20. We also included the KCX bottle and sprayer to help with the dilution process. Once you have diluted the Gs we can then spray the product onto your interior surfaces that need a solid cleaning. You can do this by spraying directly onto the included GloveBox interior towel, or on the included KCX red brush. Work the product onto the surfaces of your seat, door panels, dash, or other interior parts. Then flip the towel and remove any excess product.
We included another interior cleaner for you to test and compare results. From 303 we have included their Automotive Interior Cleaner. This product is also safe on leather, plastic, vinyl, glass, and even LCD screens. Spray a few sprays onto your interior towel or interior brush and start cleaning, then again flip the towel or grab a new towel and clean up any leftover residue.
Which interior cleaner did you like more?
Now that the interior is cleaned let's make sure it stays smelling fresh. From Arotags we included their new Hang & Hide Air Freshener. You can hang the laser cut wooden piece from your rear view mirror and then hide the bar under one of your seats. Smell the goodness, ahhhh.
Now something a little different for you this month. Please welcome STA-BIL Fuel Stabilizer. If you store any of your toys or equipment over the winter months then this is a good option to add to your your fuel. It will help keep the fuel fresh for up to 24 months of storage. Checkout STA-BIL to see full directions and uses.
Retail Value = $60
Green Star, Bottle with Sprayer. Red Detail Brush use code GLOVEBOX10 for 10% OFF
Arotags Hang & Hide use code DETAIL10 for 10% off
Golden Eagle
303 Interior Cleaner
Sta-Bil Fuel Stabilizer